Health is not a fixed state,
but a journey as fluid and changing as we are.
“To heal” holds a different meaning than, “to cure,” which from a western colonial and medical lens, seeks to eradicate the physical symptoms of illness or conquer a disease. There is nothing to “get rid of” in us, only things to discover, understand, accept whole-heartedly, and integrate.
My job is not to rescue you or save you, not to fix you- but to humbly, nonjudgementally help you call in your own unique version and vision of health, wellbeing, joy.

If you are at an important threshold, be it pregnancy, death, grief, divorce, marriage, new jobs, or spiritual awakening- welcome. Enter the space we co-create together and witness your breakdown into a breakthrough.
My approach will vary depending on the work we do together, but in all ways, I aim to invite honest connection through my attention and energy, formed by my practices, innate gifts, and experiences for the most authentic healing for all involved. My work is based on years of self-study, certifications, schooling, apprenticeships, initiation, personal experiences, and over a decade of offering services for free to friends, family, and the community via word-of-mouth referrals.
I vow to stay grounded in empathy, compassion, and authenticity to the best of my ability and meet you with the full confidence that trauma and healing are our birthright (trauma as a birthright meaning the very particular events that shape who we are and in turn, create our pathways to our power). In this work, regardless of the container, I’ll gently encourage you to turn inwards and find that which you have been seeking outside of yourself, to find safety in your body enough to listen to the wisdom that lives within you, and to find meaningful ways to interact with whatever is happening in your life. I am to make your process of self-realization one that helps you connect with the deeper truths of your desires, free from societal familiar pressures and fears.
Illness, challenge, drama, and struggle land on us like a spirit with a story to tell that only we can decipher. Our experiences mirror the ecologies within us and that of our ancestors. It is all connected. Everyone’s story is different yet the same, and we can all be co-creators of our stories along the way.
We need the collective for reflection, witnessing, collaboration, and sharing. Without the “other,” there is no subject/object, there is no “I” and “you,” and there is no perfect recipe for love.
But with that said, it’s important to mention that I am not the source of your healing, but a compassionate mirror, a devoted lightning rod, a mysterious yet familiar lighthouse in a vast and changing sea. I can help you with where to look, and offer grounded support and practices that reflect the wisdom within you, but you hold the power; you are the lock and the key.
I want for the world, for all beings; to be grounded in your good body and lifted in spirit, the freedom to be yourself, to receive and give love, to express in creative ways, to find fulfillment and purpose, to know and trust thyself, to greet the ups and downs of life with openness and curiosity, to understand yourself better, to embrace all aspects of who you are, to expand your capacity, to live in lasting peace, and to be liberated.